Today, Mudiadau Dathlu’r Gymraeg wrote to the First Minister, Carwyn Jones, asking for further clarification about the government’s draft budget – and the money allocated to Support the Welsh language.
“It is a matter of concern for us,” said Penri Williams, on behalf of Mudiadau Dathlu’r Gymraeg, “that the draft budget seems to imply a reduction in the monies available at present for activities which promote and increase the use of Welsh of £700,000.”
“Following the worrying results of the Census figures in relation to the Welsh language, and the need to implement the Government’s Welsh Language Strategy – and looking forward to the Government’s response to the ‘Gynhadledd Fawr’, we are greatly interesting in the funding that is going to be available to support the language.”
“We look forward to receiving more information from the Government for us to better understand what is the Government’s vision for the Welsh language, and how they plan to respond to the expectations raised by holding ‘Y Gynadledd Fawr.’”